From The Farm

YES, I Vaccinate the Flock

admin Uncategorized

and you should too It’s the time of year that I start getting calls about St. Croix seed stock that include questions about whether or not I vaccinate. I love that people are interested and have lots of questions. Talking sheep is one of my absolute favorite past times. Those questions are a good indicator …Read More

Selecting the Right Ram

admin Breeding Tags:

Someone recently asked me how I go about selecting the right ram. This is an important question, and by asking, a new breeder is demonstrating their interest in developing a solid flock. St. Croix ram selection is the most important decision in a seed stock breeding program. Get the best ram you can afford and be prepared to …Read More

The Bale Grazing Experiment

admin Farming Tags:

I’ve decided to experiment with bale grazing this winter. In the past, I limited my ewes to our barnyard paddock all winter, where I fed them hay in a stationary, collapsible bale feeder on a shared fence line with the rams. It worked okay, but there were some problems. Problems with Stationary Hay Feeder The …Read More