From The Farm

We are Under Siege: Foot Rot has Found Us

admin News Tags:

This year has been full of challenges, and now we get to add foot rot to the list. First, we had an explosion of triplets. Then we got way more rain than we imagined we would, all summer long. That rain has brought some very nasty business to the farm: foot rot. Every year during …Read More

Sometimes, It’s a Zebra

admin lambs, St Croix Tags:

“Doctors are taught ‘when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras,’ meaning a doctor should first think about what is a more common—and potentially more likely—diagnosis. When I first saw this little lamb out in the pasture with a swollen jaw and droopy demeanor, I thought of the horses. I immediately assumed she had a …Read More

Our Farm was Featured in Farm and Dairy!

admin News

Sarah Donaldson contacted me by email on March 3rd this year, requesting a visit so that our farm could be featured in Farm and Dairy. She said “I heard about your farm through the Livestock Conservancy a while ago – it sounds like you’re doing some interesting work with preserving heritage breeds…” Obviously, I feel …Read More

Katahdin Project

admin Katahdin, lambs

I added a new project to the farm this week: Registered Katahdin sheep. This is an idea I have toyed with for the last two years.  My St. Croix are still my priority, and that will not change. I am dedicated to preserving the breed. However, I also recognize the value of a heavier meat …Read More